
Thursday 29 September 2016

Bountiful Bundt Cake!....Coffee & Maple Baby Bundts

Ah the Bundt Cake....that American classic 'take to the neighbourhood pot luck, BBQ, or 4th of July picnic' cake, that conjures up the shiny innocence of the 1950's where life was all about clean living, church going, family, and wives doing the bidding of their husbands.

When I think of bundt cake I imagine Doris Day in 'Move over darling' a woman normally subservient to her husbands wishes, her character 'Beverly' embarks on a career of her own with hilarious results including a Cadillac landing in the swimming pool!, but at the end of the day her husband, being male and synonymous with superiority, wins the battle of the sexes and she relinquishes her career...all to appease his punctured ego!

Along the same theme, there is also the movie 'Stepford Wives' which although it has gone through a modern day remake starring Nicole Kidman with a more comedic approach than the creepy horror filled version, it still carries those assumptions and preconceived notions with which men have viewed women since time immemorial....ones virginal wife is there to tend to ones needs by providing an immaculate home, a freshly ironed shirt each morning, gourmet meals, well behaved, perfect offspring, and then in the evening when he is greeted with his pipe, slippers and a 'how was your day dear', she obligingly turns into a sex goddess in the bedroom!
Am I wrong? have these male notions altered at all in the last 60 years? deep down I bet they haven't, although people are more careful about voicing those sorts of opinions these days as the feminists will put the fear of God into them.

Occasionally I meet the odd man who still carries these ideals and expectations around with him and is quite willing to voice his opinions on the matter.....and really you can't begrudge him his beliefs and wishful thinking because regardless of our advancements in equality between men and women in the workplace, women are still more likely to shoulder the burden of housework and childcare at home, and are, truth be told, still more likely to sacrifice their career in order to care for the family....unless you are in the brigade who can afford nannies and housekeepers, but then you are vilified for letting 'strangers' raise your children....we can't win girls...dammed if you do, dammed if you don't sort of thing!

But time to get off the soap box or we could be here all night....these little bundt beauties are perfect for the lunch box! or just a little treat. They are only a couple of mouthfuls each so not necessarily that long as you can restrain yourself!

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Stack'em High! ......Cheesy Pork patty with mushrooms & green beans

It's amazing how something simple can look so pretty and taste so good! and when some of your meal comes from your own garden?...well there's nothing more satisfying!

This is one of my favourite ways to serve up a home made meat patty or burger....stacked up with a mound of golden onions and melting cheese, on a base of crisp green beans, freshly picked from the poly-tunnel I might add, this is a burger meal that is good for you!

You will need.....will feed 4 people

400 g green beans

200 g mushrooms
3 medium onions
2 cloves garlic crushed
50 g butter
olive oil...not extra virgin
sea salt
fresh black pepper

500 g minced pork or lean beef if you like
salt, pepper
1 tablespoon mexican taco spices
100 g mature cheddar
100 g mozzarella

Dear Blog......

Dear Blog....please forgive me as I have been very neglectful of late...but really I have a good excuse, well actually I have a few of them!

A wise man once said...'life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it'......and he is right! We can get so caught up in our day to day routines of work, home, sleep, a little socialising, work, home, sleep, pay some bills...that we can get in a bit of a rut and forget all the wonderful things life has to offer....and many of them are free!
So it is nice to maybe once a week or so get out and do something out of your daily routine and that's what I have been doing...... I like to go for a walk on the beach....wrap up warm by the way!...or if you are too far from a beach, take a walk in the countryside, maybe visit some of our wonderful national monuments or parks and enjoy a bit of heritage and scenery...oh there are so many things to do I could be here for hours talking about them and spend many hours away from the computer doing them!

While I am otherwise distracted ones blog does get neglected and I do apologise to my loyal followers who kept checking in to see what was on the stove or rather coming off the stove, but I am determined to be quite strict with myself and from now on put out 2 posts every week at least!!

My next excuse was that I had no lead to connect my camera to the pc as youngest child had inadvertently taken it off to college....I hope it enjoyed freshers week!
But now after searching every electrical shop in a 20 mile radius with no luck, ( of course I would have to have the weirdest camera in the world!)  I eventually bit the bullet and ordered it from that old faithful site Amazon! Really, is there anything that Amazon doesn't sell? It reminds me of that famous London store Harrods, where you really can order anything!
I heard that about a hundred years ago you could order an Indian elephant! An urban legend? I bet it's not!
Still now that I have my new USB cable I can get my food pics uploaded, next foodie post on its way shortly.......and that wise man? His name was Ferris Beuller!

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Empty Nest?....Time to treat yourself!.......Braised Pork with Cider

September is an odd time of year. We see the growing season come to fruition as summer declines and autumn beckons with the promise of crisp frosty mornings and Indian summer sunshine, bushels of apples fall to the ground, plump and juicy blackberries hang pendulous from the hedgerows, and the first of those hardy root vegetables, sturdy enough to see us through the long winter, are beginning to peep their heads above the soil in the poly-tunnel.

It is also a time for new beginnings as many of us, myself included, see our own 'produce' off to their first year in college or university...some of them many hours from home or even to another country.

My own youngest has set off to fulfil their dreams in the equine world, but I still have one at home who is beginning their second year in college nearby so I'm not quite at the complete empty nest stage entirely, but many of my peers are.

The young flying the nest for the first time can come as a shock. For the last 18 or 19 years, our lives have revolved around the needs and wants of our what will we do now we don't have their laundry to pick up off the floor?.... no late nights spent lying awake waiting for them to pop their head around the door at 2 o'clock in the morning saying 'I'm in now'...... no more pleads of...'can you just take me to?'........but rather than feeling lonely and dejected, we should grasp and embrace our new found freedoms with enthusiasm, because after all, we did have lives before we had our children!